Thursday, October 29, 2009

Give people the "scent" for better sales conversions..

Giving people the "scent"...

The "scent" is something that I hadn't heard about before but as part of my nightly googling for online marketing/sales/etc I came across the following:

Bryan Eisenberg on Using Trigger Words to Boost Landing Page Conversion

(note: at the end the guy does a bit of promo for himself, I don't know him at all but the video is good - I highly recommend it)

Basically, the scent is when someone finds your page via a google search/ad you want to instantly make them feel that they have arrived at a place they want to be..what the video suggest and what I think is a great idea, is to have tailored landing pages...for example if some one searches for "t-shirts in new york" and comes to your page have a title of "You've come to the right place for T-Shirts in New York" - straight away you are letting the potential customer know that they are at a site they want to be on and creating a link between what they searched for and now what they have found - doing this dramatically increases 72% I think...

Now, once you have given the scent to the customer that they are on the right page you want to anticipate their next question and answer..again, following on from the New York t-shirt example your landing page could contain "So, now you've found us would you like to buy one of our t-shirts [and have pictures with buy now links] or just cruise around our site...either way, have a good time"..

By doing this straight away the person who has searched for you, has been welcomed, given the "scent" and called to action to do something that is relevant to what they searched for and has a much better chance of increasing sales...

I know a lot of people have their t-shirts on display on their homepage and may say "whats the point?" but I think if you have a tailored landing page to what people search for then you will have a better chance of conversion...any ads I run with keywords will all have tailored landing pages anyway...generally, homepages are more about who you are or what your company does (whilst also, in most cases, containing pictures of t-shirts and buy now links) and not about reaffirming a searchers belief that they have found something that they have looked for...

Anyway, thats my summary, no substitute for watching the video but hopefully some will find it useful...

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